Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Minutiae

I guess this is where the last post left off.

My financial issues are still pretty high, but I was talking with a good friend, who hates how I'm stuck out here. He wants me and Case to move out, and he suggested selling my car. The thought had not occurred to me... I mean, my car is how I get around. It got me across the country. My parents basically gave it to me once I moved out here - I have the title and everything. It gets me to work - all the job apps. I've filled out lately, I've checked off that I have reliable transportation.
But work is still scarce. I'm worried about my money, and I really don't want to be here anymore. I looked in the Kelley Blue Book online, and it says that my car, if it were in excellent condition, would be $3660. It's not in excellent condition, but it runs well enough, gets good gas mileage, and even has a CD player/MP3 jack in it. So maybe it would be worth somewhere closer to $3000... but $3000 would take care of my credit card bill, and it would give me money to help pay my bills in the future, and maybe start saving up for a place elsewhere.

So, pros of selling the car:
Money in my bank account, enough to pay my credit card bill and start saving
No more car insurance (since no car)
No more gas issues
No worries about future mechanical issues

Cons of selling the car:
Gift from my parents, don't know what they would think
Less mobility in general
Fewer opportunities for work
Have to work out carpooling with people

So I guess that's something to think about. Part of me is cringing about losing the car, because I love that car - it's been "my" car since I was a junior in high school. With it, I've been stuck in a snowbank, busted both bumpers, and dinged a deer. It gave me the freedom to visit people, to get my own supplies, and to make long-distance plans.
But another part of me is scared about my bills. $1800 may not seem like much in terms of loans and big-time expenses, but it's still a big number to me. I screwed up a lot with my money this year (though not all of it was my fault), and I want to make it right, but all the conventional methods seem to be closed to me.

I suppose I'll ask my parents what they might think. For all I know, they might veto it - because I probably would need my car if I was to come back to Vermont. Then again, my mom does work part-time, so if I could get an afternoon/evening job... I don't know. My friend may be right... the times might be desperate enough for me to do something that drastic, because God knows that work has not been coming.

If I have readers - do you have any thoughts?

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